“A virtual Preferred Provider Organization – connecting patients to hospitals, physicians and other healthcare providers – anytime, anywhere.”
American TelePsychiatry, Inc. is in the business of using electronic information and telecommunications technologies to connect healthcare professionals and patients over long distances. We use state-of-the-art video-conferencing hardware and software to change the location where healthcare services are routinely provided. Properly deployed, telehealthcare can dramatically improve access to services by patients, make healthcare professionals more efficient and productive, and reduce costs across the system. We want to provide the best service possible, and bring world-class physicians right to your neighborhood.
American TelePsychiatry uses Real-time telehealth, whereby an instantaneous interface takes place between the physician (or other provider) and the patient. The technology for creating the interface is videoconferencing using robust hardware and HIPAA-compliant software to link the patient and the physician. The hardware can also include the use of peripheral devices that may be attached to the patient and/or a computer in order to allow for remote monitoring of the patient. Some of the more popular examples of telehealth include telepsychiatry, teleneurology, telecardiology, teleradiology, teletriage and telenursing.
Click here to learn more, and schedule and appointment via TeleHealth